

I work about 60% time, and for the last month I have been plugging away at preparations for a big event that's happening next week. And for the past week I have been totally mired in the details and spending way too much time in the office and away from M and the mister.

I have tangled with the apologetic but ultimately unhelpful customer service staff of discountmugs.com. I have made an illegal U-turn to get to Kinko's while wolfing down a Frosty for lunch at 3pm. I have calculated and recalculated how many pounds of fruit salad 150 people (or perhaps 100 or perhaps 200) will want to eat on a hot (or perhaps rainy) Tuesday morning in July.

I have not yet, but will soon, visit my local hardware store and purchase fifty feet of rope, two big shovels, and a can of gold spray paint.

And will I ever be glad when this is done. It's like planning a wedding, only I'm not in love with anyone who will be there.

So forgive my lack of posting for a few more days. I'll be back.

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